Monday 23 June 2008

Paul Newman - First Tabloids Now Mainstream Press Report Newman Cancer

A celebrity column in the Los Angeles Timeswebsite today (Tuesday) picked
up British tabloid reports that Paul Newman is dying of lung cancer. The Times
report, which linked to an item in News Corp's gossipy London Star, was itself
picked up by newspapers all over the world. (The National Enquirer has also
reported that Newman is suffering from inoperable lung cancer). Today's (Tuesday)
London Daily Mail, ran a photograph of a gaunt-looking Newman standing with
Martha Stewart at a fundraising event in Connecticut for his children's cancer charity,
The Hole in the Wall Gang. The date of the photo is not indicated, although the last
such function for the organization occurred on June 1. While the tabloid accounts
said that Newman had been hospitalized at New York's Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the
Daily Mail said that a spokesperson for the actor insisted that Newman was
being treated for athlete's foot and hair loss.


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